Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sarithama and her husband's amazing story

A beautiful christian lady who was lured into India by traffickers who then drugged her drink with something...
she found herself wandering around on the streets somewhere in India.
she somehow found her way back to her village...but sadly was mentally challenged.Terrorized her village in her madness for many years. Her husband to be found out about this and as a prayerful christian considered marrying her.Soon she was able to with his love recover slowly.She then went back to her village and all were in tears to see the transformation a Godly christian man could bring about with the Lord's help.Today she serves her family and many women at risk in Kathmandu.Praise the Lord

Sunday, March 28, 2010

14yr old and 16yr old rescued

we minister to more than 25 women who are in at-risk situations daily. We have our team who sacrificially and faithfully serve them. We have had many women rescued from dance bars and cabin restaurants as well as at other abused backgrounds,(in MARCH 2010 we were able to rescue naini 14 and dolmaya 16 yrs from the dance bars and have as a network given them alternative jobs as well as they are being job counseled as well with after care counselors) ...